Beth's Class

Hands-On Toys--the Lego craze is beginning to ware off, so if you have any hands-on toys (such as K'NEX, Lincoln Logs, other building sets, etc) that are hiding away in a dusty corner of the attic we would love to bring them to life again :)

Expo (Dry Erase) Markers

Danielle's Class

Old (but working!) lamps--we've decided the bright, florescent bulbs aren't helping our endurance!  We would LOVE some softer light around the room so if you have any lamps laying around the basement we'd love to use them.  Let me know if we can have and decorate them "for keeps" or if you would like them returned in "as is" condition at the end of the school year.

Hands-On Toys--the Lego craze is beginning to ware off, so if you have any hands-on toys (such as K'NEX, Lincoln Logs, other building sets, etc) that are hiding away in a dusty corner of the attic we would love to bring them to life again :)

Expo (Dry Erase) Markers

Crickets and Mealworms!
  Our 5 frogs need to eat roughly 2-3 times per week!  Send me an email if you are willing to stop at Pet Co and pick up pinhead crickets or mealworms :) (the cost is about $3.00) 

Mr. B's Class

Hands-On Toys--the Lego craze is beginning to ware off, so if you have any hands-on toys (such as K'NEX, Lincoln Logs, other building sets, etc) that are hiding away in a dusty corner of the attic we would love to bring them to life again :)

Expo (Dry Erase) Markers

The Whole 3rd Grade Community

Tools--we would like some safe, basic tools to let the kids tinker with during their Choice Time and various STEaM activities.  Let us know if you have any old, but usable tools for our community!

Shelving Movers--we have FANTASTIC shelves waiting for us at Pleasant Hill School.  We are in need of any number of volunteers to help us transfer the shelving to Randall with us and help divide the long table tops (table saw and skills needed).  Please let us know if you possess any of these skills!  Contact Mr. B if you can help in any way.