We need your help! 
We are running low on dry erase markers, post its, and clorox wipes.
Please donate any of these items to our 3rd Grade Community!

Making Snowflakes

Make your home festive with paper snowflakes!
Follow the link below for a cool interactive site where you can make practice cuts on the computer and preview what your paper snowflake will look like before you make your first cut!


Thank you for visiting our third grade website!  We will be posting a plethora of information here including communication from Beth, Danielle and Mr. B, curriculum info, student projects, photos and videos of our work time, and MORE!  Stop back soon as more content will be added weekly :)

Check out the Waukesha STEM Academy website for ongoing information from our entire school community:

STEM Schedule

Waukesha STEM Academy runs on a 6-day schedule where each day is labeled "A-F". 
The PDF below is a monthly calendar that indicates which letter day each date falls on.
File Size: 108 kb
File Type: pdf
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Flexible 3rd Grade Schedule

The document below outlines our rough daily schedule.  This will help you understand what your child's day looked like based on the A-F schedule above.
File Size: 14 kb
File Type: doc
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SDW Third Grade Learning Targets

The following document was created as a district-wide parent guide to grade-level learning targets.  As you read the science learning targets, keep in mind that our charter allows us to take the liberty to delve deeper into certain concepts while others will be addressed in other grade levels based on the FOSS curriculum.
File Size: 60 kb
File Type: pdf
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