The First Thanksgiving

During our short week before break the kiddos enjoyed uncovering myths and misconceptions about "The First Thanksgiving".  Here are websites we used for some of our investigations. First Thanksgiving
The Plimoth Plantation--Investigating The First Thanksgiving

Physics of Sound

We have started our Physics of Sound Module within our Foss Science curriculum.  Please download the Physics of Sound Module Summary on for more information.  The following was taken directly from the curriculum goals:

Students learn to discriminate between sounds generated by dropped objects, how sounds can be made louder or softer and higher or lower, how sounds travel through a variety of materials, and how sounds get from a source to a receiver. The investigations provide opportunities for students to explore the natural and humanmade worlds by observing and manipulating materials in focused settings using simple tools.

We kicked off the module with an investigation of how to discriminate between sounds and how we use sound discrimination to convey information.  You can explore this Morse Code website to learn about the code and translate typed messages into sounds using the Morse Code! 

STEaM Time Owl Dissection 11/9

Check out photos of the kiddos dissecting owl pellets.  Click here to do a virtual owl dissection!

FOSS Science

Hello Third Grade Families,

My name is Mr. Brookins and I’ll be teaching all the science classes for the third grade.  I am excited to begin formal instruction using the new FOSS Science units of instruction.  FOSS is dedicated to the proposition that elementary students learn science best by doing science and I heartily agree.  Just witnessing the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the students the past few weeks as we’ve done some simple challenge activities has been very encouraging and rewarding.  You may have heard the term “design loop” from your son or daughter recently.  This term describes a systematic problem solving procedure that encourages clear understanding of a problem and challenges students to brainstorm many possible solutions.  It is an organized approach to help kids work through designing, building, testing, and evaluating a product.

On Tuesday, September 21, I will begin the first lesson in the FOSS Science Unit titled, “Structures of Life”.  This will begin four sequential investigations dealing with the observable characteristics of organisms.  I encourage you to check out the FOSS Science website as it is very informative for you and your son or daughter.  The site’s address is

On the website there are summaries of everything your child will be learning within each unit (called "modules")
Trimester 1: Earth Materials
Trimester 2: Physics of Sound
Trimester 3: Structures of Life 


Brian Brookins